Nothing Changes Without Action
Nothing changes without action. The consequence of inaction is more of the same.
I’m happy to see people making their voices heard today. Good start. What’s the plan for tomorrow? And, the day after?
I’ve never been comfortable participating in protests or social media proselytizing. The former I have a lot of respect for, the latter less so. There is only one constant; soon enough, something else will always distract the masses. It doesn’t make what’s happening today any less important; it’s just a simple fact.
I want to propose a few long-term alternatives to fight against two inevitables; forgetting that there is a problem, and believing that you can’t make a difference.
- Dedicate a set amount of time each month toward real volunteerism. Find an organization that has a mission you believe in and programs that speak to you, then reach out to them offering support. Some of the most impactful volunteers give their professional skills; accounting, mentorship, leadership, sales, etc. Start by committing eight, sixteen, or twenty-four hours a month to volunteerism, then hold yourself to that number.
- Join a nonprofit organization’s Board of Directors. Nonprofits are always looking for new Board members. If you don’t think you have the experience needed to sit on a Board, then you’re selling yourself short. A strong Board has a diverse set of backgrounds, from executives to entrepreneurs, from employed to retired, and from men to women.
- Start a nonprofit organization that helps solve a social issue. Every week, I mentor Founders of nonprofit organizations from all over the world. I continue to be amazed at the guts, determination, and heart that these people have. We need more, not less, nonprofit social entrepreneurs.
There are countless ways to make a difference in the world, but the first step is believing that you can make a difference, the next is action.
Tom Stader
Tom is based between China, Vietnam and the USA. In 2008, he founded The Library Project, a nonprofit organization that has impacted over one million children in Asia. His writing explores social entrepreneurship, specifically nonprofit organizations operating in developing countries, philanthropy and governance.
Tom Stader
Tom is based between China, Vietnam and the USA. In 2008, he founded The Library Project, a nonprofit organization that has impacted over one million children in Asia. His writing explores social entrepreneurship, specifically nonprofit organizations operating in developing countries, philanthropy and governance.