Public Speaking
Public Speaking
Tom Stader is the Founder of The Library Project, an organization that donates libraries to under-financed schools, community centers, and orphanages in Asia. He believes that education is the key motivator to breaking the cycle of poverty that exists in the developing world. Tom’s message that anyone can take a simple idea and grow it into something that can change the world makes him a unique and inspiring speaker.
Tom has spoken throughout China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and the United States. He has been a three-time speaker at the Rotary Club of Beijing, two-time speaker at the Rotary Club of Shanghai, and two time TEDx speaker (Guangzhou and Nanjing) as well as speaking at the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, Xi’an International Business Forum, Shanghai World Expo, and countless corporate and organization events.
A message of hope (and hard work)
In 2006 at the age of 32, Tom had a simple idea to donate libraries to two orphanages in China. Soon after those libraries were complete, Tom founded The Library Project. Since then, Tom and his dedicated team have completed 2,900 library donations throughout Cambodia, China, and Vietnam; over 1,000,000 eager young readers now have access to 1,800,000 local language children’s books.
Establishing a non-profit organization wasn’t easy, Tom ran into countless challenges and took many risks over the years—some that worked and others that didn’t. But with hard work and determination, Tom was able to overcome the challenges and created an organization that has a razor-sharp focus on program-specific results. Tom pledges to make every donated dollar count and prides himself on financial efficiency, donor accountability, and operational transparency.
Social Entrepreneur
Building Nonprofit Organizations
Tom builds international nonprofit organizations. Since 2005, he founded three organizations; The Library Project in 2006, Nonprofit Insights in 2018, and the short-lived Nomadic Marketing in 2005. These organizations were seeded with less than $1,000 in start-up capital and achieved programmatic and organizational growth and impact.
Tom is passionate about growing people within organizations. He believes leadership, empowerment, and training lead to programmatic excellence and impact.
Reach out to Tom anytime if you feel he can add value to your organization.

In 2006, Tom founded The Library Project, an international nonprofit organization that has impacted over one million children through the donation of local language libraries, teacher training, and children’s literacy programs at rural elementary schools, orphanages, and community centers in Asia.

Our goal at Nonprofit Insights is simple; to provide professional, practical, and well-designed support for nonprofit professionals. We offer ongoing coaching, mentoring, and consulting tailored for nonprofit professionals. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.
Lets talk
Tom is currently based between China and Thailand. Please feel free to reach out anytime at the phone numbers or social links below.
USA / International: (+1) 602-490-0688
USA: (+1) 623-202-3423
Thailand: (+66) 6-232-9551
Mainland China: (+86) 182-9292-9811
Hong Kong, China: (+852) 8121-2665
Vietnam: (+84) 77-519-4242
WhatsApp: (+84) 77-519-4242
WeChat: tomstader
Skype: tomstader